A Brief Prologue.

I believe that this post is obligatory. So let’s jump into it.

Firstly, in case you do not know (which is likely), my name is Alicia (Ali) Slack. I am a currently a freshmen at Carolina’s priceless gem, UNC Chapel Hill. I am blessed with two wonderful parents who raised me to view every breath as a gift and to see the beauty in everything and everyone. I am the oldest of two and my little sister Abi is maybe my favorite human on planet Earth. I am an INFJ on the Myers-Briggs scale and a 3w4 on the Enneagram scale. (I don’t know how I feel about both of these measure, but that’s another conversation.)

I am a deeply spiritual individual. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, because of that I am acutely aware of my inherent need for community, grace, and forgiveness. Theology books are some of my favorite reads. However, in general, I will read any book you place in front of me. Music and performance have played a huge part of my story. I have sung in numerous choirs, stepped into multiple characters, and directed a few shows. The arts have given me an outlet for my creative side and helped me grow my confidence. Current artistic quest: acoustic guitar…it’s definitely a work-in-process.

The outdoors are my favorite place to be. In truth, most of my posts will be written or inspired there. I got the joy to go on my first month-long back-packing trip in The Wind River Range this past-summer and my bucket has never been more full. (I will definitely be writing about that experience.) The mountains are where I am most fully myself and where I am the most at ease.

Before I begin this process of brain-dumping publicly on the internet, I would like to provide a disclaimer: I am not an expert. I am merely a human being. Like many others, I am wrestling to put words to what is currently ineffable in my heart, soul, and mind. This blog is just a way for me to have a “due date” to express my chained thoughts. So, if you read something that offends you innately disagree with, pause, breathe, maybe ponder why the phrase upset you, but then acknowledge that I am not the immutable source of truth. If you’re willing, shoot me an email and let’s talk about it. Learning through words is the whole reason I’m writing.

To give you an overview of the content of what I will be writing, let me first say this, I sort of, kinda, maybe, really do not know. In one sense, I will be sharing my thoughts on philosophical, theological, and intellectual ideas, but I also want to give myself the freedom to be creative in this space. I love poetry and short stories, so you might get some of those. I love books and songs, so you might get some opinions on those. I love the fine arts and culinary arts, so I might share some recommendations of those. In short, anything that is conducive to my pursuit of life, liberty and radical empathy will be shared.

With the exciting tedium of introductions out of the way, let’s begin the pursuit. I’m glad you’re here.

- Ali Slack


Radical Empathy: Where I’m At.